The Difficulty With Investing in Commodities

The Difficulty With Investing in Commodities

In addition to investing in stocks and bonds, there are also ways you can invest in commodities. These are raw materials that are either consumed directly or more commonly used by manufacturers to create other products. Examples include metals such as gold, silver, aluminum, and copper; energy raw materials such as oil and natural gas;…
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What Investment Mistake Did 30% of Seniors Make This Year?

According to data from Fidelity Investments, over 30% of investors aged 65 and above sold all their equity holdings this year. By comparison, less than 20% of all investors made the same mistake. Although the data doesn’t pinpoint exactly when most of the transactions occurred, it’s likely it was sometime when the market was at…
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Why Is The Stock Market So Disconnected From The Economy?

Does it seem to you that the stock market is totally disconnected from the reality of the economy? Business news has been as bad as it gets. The number of unemployed workers has reached record-setting levels while GDP has declined to levels not seen since the 1930s. Federal debt has increased by over $3 trillion.…
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How Do You Become A Thought Leader?

Every week I receive numerous invitations to attend some financial conference or webinar offered by a so-called “thought leader.” Have you ever wondered how one qualifies for this particular epithet? I searched Google for the topic “How to become a thought leader” and found dozens of articles. Most talked about domain expertise, motivational skills, and…
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Why Volatility Makes Investing So Difficult

Whenever stock prices take a hit, volatility generally increases. By that I mean daily price swings become more extreme – both in size as well as in speed – as compared to longer-term averages. That’s the situation in which we found ourselves after COVID-19 decimated world economies. When was the last time you saw the…
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What To Do With An RMD You Don’t Need

This may seem like an unusual year to be talking about required minimum distributions (RMDs) since Congress has temporarily eliminated them in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But they haven’t gone away. After all, the government does need to collect the taxes they allowed you to defer throughout your working years. If you’re a…
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