How Long Will The Next Recession Last?

How Long Will The Next Recession Last?

Frequent readers of this blog know that I do not believe anyone can predict the future. So it might come as a surprise that, based on the title of this post, I appear to be doing just that. Well, I’m not. I’m just sharing some historical data to put business cycles in perspective. We are…
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The Power of Hindsight

Do you wish you had invested in Cisco when it went public in 1990? Or Microsoft in 1986? What about Qualcomm, which is up almost 10,000% since its inception in 1991 (just a bit higher than the S&P 500’s paltry 600% equivalent gain). I can’t tell you how many times I hear that regretful refrain…
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Worried About Social Security Going Broke?

Concerns about Social Security (SS) running out of money pop up from time to time in the financial media. Beyond the headlines there are a number of misconceptions regarding what that really means. In this post I’ll explain what could happen and what the consequences might be. The situation is a lot less dire than…
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The Ugly Way To Become Rich

There is no shortage of promoters of wealth-building schemes. Many start by writing books extolling secrets that they learned along the way to their own alleged success. If their fame from their books grows they often develop seminars and training classes designed to provide more secrets, tools, and motivation to help you become rich like…
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Are You Emotionally Prepared To Retire?

Virtually everyone that comes to our firm looking for retirement planning help is focused on the financial aspects. The number one question is usually, “Will I have enough money to be able to do all the things I want to do as a retiree?” Being prepared financially, however, is not the same as being prepared…
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How Many Pages Of Regulations Does It Take To Create A Loophole?

I’ll start with the answer: 771 pages. That’s the size of the new “Regulation Best Interest: The Broker-Dealer Standard of Conduct” rule just approved by the SEC. Why did the SEC feel we needed this legislation? It’s a long story. After the 1929 collapse of the U.S. stock market and the subsequent Great Depression of…
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