What’s the Best Long-Term Care Policy?

What’s the Best Long-Term Care Policy?

Cognizant Wealth Advisors occasionally publishes guest blogs on our site.  Today’s guest blog was written by Allen Hamm, president of Superior LTC, a company that helps people plan for long-term care.  He can be reached at 800-400-0577 or at info@superiorltc.com.  Note that any opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinions or…
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Reverse Mortgages: The Good and the Bad

According to Consumer Reports some 70% of retirees’ net wealth is locked up in their homes. Given that, you’d think that reverse mortgages would be a very popular solution for tapping into all that wealth. Yet prior to 2012, the cost, complexity, and even stigma of utilizing a reverse mortgage have made it the choice…
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Not All Annuities Are Bad!

Annuities have been getting some bad press in the financial planning community. Financial planners tend to denigrate them due to their cost – “They have way too many fees, many of them hidden” – or due to the fact that they are not hedged against inflation, effectively reducing their usefulness at exactly the time (later…
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Don’t Overlook the Risk of your Investments

Investment companies and the financial media generally spend most of their time focused on returns and other benefits of the various investment opportunities they recommend.  Yet when it comes to communicating the risks associated with those investments, the industry is a lot less forthcoming, according to Larry Doyle, author of the book In Bed with…
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All S&P 500 Indices Are Not the Same

Have you ever wondered how Standard & Poor’s selects the companies whose stocks go into the S&P 500 index?  They utilize a methodology called capitalization weighting (cap weighting for short), in which inclusion is based on a company’s market capitalization.  That’s a fancy term for how much investors value the company, and it is calculated…
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Do You Need an Investment Policy Statement?

Yes, you do. How’s that for a succinct answer? But in case you don’t know what an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is, or how it’s utilized, here’s a brief explanation. An IPS is a written document that basically describes how an investor’s money is to be managed/invested. Every publicly-traded mutual fund and ETF is required…
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