Two Useful Indicators of Bond Market Liquidity

Two Useful Indicators of Bond Market Liquidity

There are many indicators that provide clues as to the future performance of one or more capital market asset classes.  Unfortunately none are perfect, otherwise 2008 might not have turned out so ugly.  Today I’d like to explain two useful indicators that bond investors would do well to heed: LIBOR and the TED spread. LIBOR,…
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Are Your Children Putting Their Babysitting Earnings to Work?

I’ve written often about the importance of saving for retirement. And also about the value of starting as early as possible to maximize the compounding of your returns over time. Well, why not start saving as a child? With a little help from you, even your younger children can start a Roth IRA to shelter…
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Operating a Home Business: Is It Right For You?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that as of 2010 more than 18 million businesses are run primarily out of a home. That may actually be on the low side, given recent advances in mobile and wireless technology, as well as the cost-cutting realities of a low-growth economy. If you’re considering running a business…
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Leverage Is Not Your Friend

Jason Zweig, the noted Wall Street Journal columnist, noted recently that between the first and second quarters of 2012, the Federal Reserve’s measure of margin loans at brokerage firms rose 9%, to $161.8 billion, the highest level in nearly four years.  The high-water mark was $386 billion in August 2008—two weeks before the collapse of…
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Economists Recommend Continuing Stimulus

The National Association for Business Economics (NABE), a large international association of applied economists, strategists, academics, and policy-makers, recently surveyed its 236 members on a number of government policy issues.  The results show that there is not much support among economists for policy tightening over the next 12 months.  In fact, the economists recommended increasing…
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A Different Way To Save For Retirement

Many advisors (including us) believe that one of the best ways to save for retirement is to regularly set aside a certain amount of money every week or month, turning saving into a habit.  Many retirement plans such as 401(k)s have been structured to encourage this behavior.  However, when you have to make lifestyle changes…
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