Should You Rollover Your Pension Or 401(k) To An IRA?

Should You Rollover Your Pension Or 401(k) To An IRA?

I’m frequently asked by people facing layoffs or early retirement whether or not it’s better to keep your pension and 401(k) or roll them over to a traditional IRA (assuming the pension allows lump-sum rollovers).  Here is a table comparing these choices. Given all these differences, what’s the right choice?  It depends. If you are…
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Poverty In Retirement Is Increasing

According to a recent Employee Benefit Research Institute study, the proportion of retirees living below the poverty line has been growing steadily since 2005.  Poverty rates for people ages 65 to 74 climbed from 7.9 percent in 2005 to 9.4 percent in 2009.  The increase was even steeper for older retirees, jumping from 7.6% to…
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Volatility Is A Drag

I mean that quite literally. Volatility causes a drag effect on investment returns. And although modern portfolio theory teaches that investments with expected higher returns generally have higher volatility, volatility itself always negatively impacts returns. This is not a theory but a mathematical fact that can easily be demonstrated. Let’s take a hypothetical example. You’ve…
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Are Leveraged ETF’s Good For Your Financial Health?

In today’s blog we explore the world of leveraged ETFs. For those of you who are not familiar with ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), they are mutual funds that are bought and sold like stocks. The majority of ETFs are passively managed and based on some index, allowing the investor to purchase a single fund that represents…
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Would You Save More If You Knew How Much It Would Be Worth?

Two recent studies, one at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and the other at The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, found that when people are better informed about what their savings will be worth in the future, they save more.  Although both studies focused on younger savers, the results suggest that…
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Four Tips For Avoiding Being Ripped Off By Your Financial Adviser

By now everyone has heard of Bernie Madoff and his $50 billion (with a ‘B!’) investment scam. Unfortunately, although his scam was by far the biggest ever uncovered, he was hardly alone. There’s Roberto Heckscher, who allegedly bilked $50 million from mostly elderly investors over a thirty-year period. And, more recently, Kenneth Starr, a New…
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