Worried About Social Security Going Broke?

Worried About Social Security Going Broke?

Concerns about Social Security (SS) running out of money pop up from time to time in the financial media. Beyond the headlines there are a number of misconceptions regarding what that really means. In this post I’ll explain what could happen and what the consequences might be. The situation is a lot less dire than…
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Are You Emotionally Prepared To Retire?

Virtually everyone that comes to our firm looking for retirement planning help is focused on the financial aspects. The number one question is usually, “Will I have enough money to be able to do all the things I want to do as a retiree?” Being prepared financially, however, is not the same as being prepared…
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How Not To Compare An Annuity To A Bond

My elderly uncle is convinced that annuities are better than bonds because the annuity will not only pay more on a monthly basis than a similar bond investment but would also keep paying over the remainder of his lifetime. While that’s true, it doesn’t tell the whole story. I’m writing this article to share a…
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The Ramifications of Regret

How many times have you taken some action only to regret it afterwards? In the world of financial decision-making this happens all the time. Sometimes it’s regretting the purchase of some investment whose value subsequently drops. Possibly it’s regretting not having purchased some investment which your neighbor has been bragging about having made a killing…
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Three Consequences of Extended Longevity

My 80-year old uncle used to laugh off warnings from family members about taking better care of himself. “After all,” he’d joke, “I can’t die young.” He ultimately passed away at age 85 from cancer but I’m sure would not have regretted the quality of the long life that he’d enjoyed. Excepting perhaps those of…
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Why Don’t Millennials Like Stocks?

I previously posted about a Bankrate financial security survey in 2017 which found that real estate was the Millennial Generation’s top investment preference over stocks and cash (https://www.cognizantwealth.com/2017/11/24/is-real-estate-best-for-building-wealth/). The post pointed out that real estate as an investment had actually underperformed stocks over many periods since 1900, suggesting that millennials’ expectations of the best long-term…
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