Why Is 65 the Default Retirement Age?

Why Is 65 the Default Retirement Age?

Have you ever wondered why retirement in the U.S. is considered to start at age 65? After all, there’s nothing sacrosanct about that particular age. Most people are capable of working well beyond 65, while many of those fortunate enough to have amassed sufficient wealth prior to reaching that milestone are happy to retire earlier…
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What’s The Real Risk In Your Portfolio?

Risk is a commonly used term when it comes to investing, and its importance cannot be overstated. While we cannot control the returns that we get from our investments, we can and should manage the risk very carefully.  As I have written before (Don’t Overlook the Risk of your Investments), there are many different types…
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Can IRAs Be Used Before Retirement?

Anyone who has contributed to an Individual Retirement Plan (IRA) is likely aware of the plan’s primary restriction, namely that you cannot withdraw the money until you reach the age of 59½.  At the same time, the government didn’t want this restriction to be too onerous, so rather than making it impossible, they simply decreed…
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More Financial Protection For Seniors

Since 2005 the population of individuals aged 65 and over in the U.S. increased from 36 million to over 50 million.  It’s expected to double to nearly 100 million by 2060.  When you take into account the fact that these seniors own over 75% of all financial assets (according to the Securities & Exchange Commission),…
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How To Delay Age-Related Cognitive Decline

I’ve written before on the subject of cognitive decline.  Prior research has indicated that (1) it increases with age and (2) you won’t know that it’s occurring (see At Some Point You Need To Stop Investing). A recent British study on retired civil servants concluded that there are some things you can do in retirement…
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What’s In Your IRA?

Pardon me for paraphrasing a catch phrase from a ubiquitously marketed credit card.  But were you aware that you actually have a lot of flexibility in terms of the investments you can choose to put into an IRA?  Besides stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs, you can invest in real estate, gold bullion, and in…
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