Surprisingly Legal Tax Deductions

Surprisingly Legal Tax Deductions

It’s currently tax season again. Last year at this time I reported on unusual bogus tax deductions that various miscreants tried to get away with. This year I thought I’d provide the opposite: deductions that you might be surprised to discover are legal. Thanks to TurboTax and AARP for the information! The IRS allows numerous…
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Four Reasons To Avoid A Roth Conversion

For those unfamiliar with the term, a Roth conversion involves moving money from a tax-deferred traditional IRA (IRA) to a tax-free Roth IRA (Roth). You’ll pay taxes on the amount transferred but from that point on the amount will grow tax-free for the rest of your life (and even for ten years of a subsequent…
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Seven Misperceptions About Taxes

Since tax payment season is just around the corner, I thought I’d share some common misperceptions about your federal taxes. Getting refunds is better than owing taxes. False. A refund is nothing more than a zero-interest loan you made to the government. It’s better to owe them money. But not too much. If you owe…
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Big Changes For Retirement Planning Under Secure Act 2.0

At the tail end of December President Biden signed into law the Secure Act 2.0 as part of the $1.7 trillion Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. Its name represents an extension of the 2019 Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act that was the Federal government’s first major retirement-focused legislation since 2006. Secure…
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Mega and Backdoor Roth Contributions: Do You Feel Lucky?

Often politicians pass laws that have unintended consequences, making tax planning difficult. This year the uncertainty revolves around two methods to build up your tax-free savings that may go away if the Biden administration’s Build Back Better legislation passes. I’ll describe the situation and the three possible outcomes. As background, some workers have the ability…
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New Tax Reduction For Some IRA Owners

It’s always nice to get a tax break. Starting in 2022 required minimum distributions (RMDs) by seniors from qualified retirement plans such as IRAs and 401(k)s will be reduced, courtesy of a change to life expectancies instituted by the IRS. Here’s an example to illustrate the change. Suppose Mary Taxpayer, born on March 1, 1950,…
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